
Understanding Interactions

My research interests lie broadly in understanding ecological and evolutionary interactions between organisms in the context of host-parasite relationships. Much of my recent work involved understanding how behavior, specifically learning and personalities, affects or is affected by disease and exposure to pathogens.

As mentioned on my homepage, I'm a data scientist. Much of this data science research involves sifting through large datasets or modeling hypothesized interactions on my computer. But I'm also a field biologist. I maintain working relationships with field research sites at the Rock of Gibraltar (via Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society, GONHS), in rural Kenya (via Mpala Research Centre), and in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (via Institute of Veterinary Medicine). Additionally, I've been involved with a variety of collaborative projects through the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) and the Ohio State University's Open Innovation Laboratory (oilohio).

As a large part of my work, I also participate in science outreach and mentoring, as well as in expanding the possibilities for communications and engagement of research and results in a digital age. Through the development of various web and real-world projects, my work is facilitating researchers to store and share research in a variety of contexts.