Data science, natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), radiology, healthcare, global health, data management, biostatistics, epidemiology, emerging infectious diseases, zoonoses, parasitology, personality, innovation, social learning, commensalism, phylogenetic comparative methods, meta-analysis, social network analysis, simulation modeling of disease spread
McCabe CM, Nunn CL. Effective network size predicted from simulations of pathogen outbreaks through social networks provides a novel measure of structure-standardized group size. Front Vet Sci 5:71. DOI:10.3389/fvets.2018.00071
Sumner K, McCabe CM, Nunn CL. Network size, structure, and pathogen transmission: a simulation study comparing different community detection algorithms. Behaviour 155(7-9). DOI:10.1163/1568539X-00003508
Nunn CL, Jordan F, McCabe CM, Verdolin J, Fewell J. Parasitism and group size: More than just a numbers game. Phil Trans R Soc B 370:20140111. DOI:10.1098/rstb.2014.0111
McCabe CM, Reader SM, Nunn CL. Infectious disease, behavioural flexibility, and the evolution of culture in primates. Proc R Soc B 282:20140862. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2014.2405
McCabe CM, Rand DG. Coordinated punishment does not proliferate when defectors can also punish cooperators. In: JH Gallo (Ed.), Antisocial Behavior: Etiology, Genetic and Environmental Influences and Clinical Management. Nova Science Publishers: Hauppauge, NY. Manuscript available at SSRN.
Garamszegi LZ, Nunn CL, McCabe CM. Informatics approaches to developing dynamic meta-analyses. Evol Ecol 26(5):1275-1276. DOI:10.1007/s10682-012-9592-0
Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Cora Du Bois Charitable Trust
Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation
Lambda Alpha National Collegiate Honors Society for Anthropology, Beta Chapter of Indiana
Nanovic Institute Research Grant, University of Notre Dame
Undergrad Research Opportunity Program Comprehensive Summer Grant, University of Notre Dame
McCabe CM, Young HS, Weinstein SB, Nunn CL. “Unwelcome guests: Human-rodent commensalism and its implications for zoonotic disease transfer.” Podium presentation at: American Association of Physical Anthropologists Annual Meeting; New Orleans, LA.
McCabe CM, Wrangham RW. “Habitat temperature and implications for total energy expenditure among mammals and primates.” Poster at: American Association of Physical Anthropologists Annual Meeting; Atlanta, GA.
McCabe CM, Jordán F, Nunn CL. “More than just a numbers game: populations, networks, and disease dynamics in primates.” Podium presentation at: American Society of Primatologists; Bend, OR.
McCabe CM, Reader SM, Nunn CL. “Social learning as a conduit for parasite transmission in the evolution of primates.” Podium presentation at: Göttinger Freilandtage IX; Göttingen, Germany.
McCabe C, Nunn C, Reader S. “How do social learning and environmental exploration affect infectious disease risk in primates?” Poster at: Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Annual Meeting; Ann Arbor, MI.
McCabe CM, Nunn CL, Reader SM. “Infectious disease risk in the evolution of culture.” Podium presentation at: American Association of Physical Anthropologists Annual Meeting; Portland, OR.
McCabe CM, Lee T, Fuentes A. “Variation in parasite burdens among semi-free-ranging Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus, in the Upper Rock Nature Reserve, Gibraltar.” Poster at: Midwest Primate Interest Group Annual Meeting; Allendale, MI.
Surveillance of emerging mosquito-borne arboviruses in Mongolia
Veterinary Medicine Institute
(Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
Dissertation labwork focusing on parasite identification behavior evaluation
Nunn Lab
(Durham, NC)
Dissertation work on zoonotic disease risks of rodent-human cohabitation
Mpala Research Centre
(Laikipia, Kenya)
Field study of environmental factors affecting gastrointestinal parasite distribution among Macaca sylvanus
Bruce's Farm, GONHS Field Station
(Upper Rock Nature Reserve, Gibraltar)
Independent research on geospatial movement patterns and learning behavior in Marmota flaviventris
(Moiese, MO)
Independent research on habitat disturbance and its effects on foraging strategies of Peromyscus maniculatus gracilis
(Land O' Lakes, WI)
Laboratory technician for G. Belovsky, working on project: "Ecosystem structure and function in palouse grasslands"
Belovsky Lab
(Notre Dame, IN)
For a printer-friendly version of my CV, go here.